Balancing the Craziness of Youth Sports

Balancing the Craziness of Youth Sports

As a mom of two sporty kids, finding the right balance between competitive play and preserving the joy of sports can be challenging. Lately, we have been juggling lacrosse and ice hockey for both of our kids. Many high school and college level coaches have encouraged us to continue having our kids be multi-sport athletes, so for now, that is where things are for our family. 

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Here are a few tips to ensure they thrive without getting carried away (easier said than done). I am by no means an expert on this topic, so these tips actually serve as a reminder for me as well. 

  1. Emphasize Passion: Let your kids choose the sports they love, and support their interests wholeheartedly. When they play from the heart, the journey becomes more fulfilling.
  2. Skill Development Matters: Focus on improving skills and personal growth rather than just winning. This approach fosters a love for improvement and resilience. It is so important for kids to learn how to LOSE.
  3. Realistic Expectations: Encourage dreams but temper them with realistic expectations. Success is measured by progress, not solely by wins, medals, and trophies.
  4. Time Management: Help your kids manage their time wisely to balance sports, their studies, and also have FUN. A well-rounded schedule prevents burnout.
  5. Lead by Example: Be a positive role model, always thinking about sportsmanship and having a healthy attitude towards competition.
  6. Monitor Well-being: Keep an eye on their emotional well-being. Support them if they need a break or time away from sports. Taking breaks can be a huge help.
youth sports CT

Remember, the joy of play and competitive spirit can go hand in hand. By focusing on a balanced approach, we’ll help our children enjoy their youth sports journey to the fullest.

My best advice: amidst the whirlwind of youth sports, choose positivity and cheer loudly for those kids!!!!

xoxo NBC