Why You Need to Get a Weighted Vest

Weighted vest for men and women

And here is the best weighted vest to get 

It’s being called the hottest fitness trend of 2024. Time to step up your walking game and add a twist to your routine with a weighted vest!

As a mother deeply committed to health and wellness, I can’t help but tell everyone how much I love my daily walks with my weighted vest. We recently talked all about this trend on my Podcast with the #1 Menopause Doctor in the country, Dr. Mary Claire Haver. Dr. Haver loves walking with her weighted vest too, and she even recommends wearing it around the house when you’re doing your daily household chores! Fun fact: this was the first Podcast I have ever recorded while wearing a weighted vest!

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The Joy of Pickleball


The Sport That’s Taking the World by Storm

Pickleball, the fastest-growing sport in the world, recently caught my attention. How could it not? Everyone is talking about Pickleball these days so I decided to give it a try. 

From day one, I knew I liked the fast-paced nature of pickleball. The sport’s unique blend of tennis, badminton, and ping pong offers an exciting and engaging experience that keeps players hooked from the start. Playing pickleball not only provides a great workout but also offers opportunities to learn something new and make new friends.

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Walk This Way

10k steps per day goal

My husband decided for Lent that he was going to walk 10K steps per day. 

I decided over our recent vacation to Florida that I would join him in this mission. I have been making a big effort with strength training since I turned 50 and I am loving that so much. Now I’m adding the daily walks in as well for more movement. This isn’t a weight loss thing for me, it’s more about my mental health as well as a mood booster. Getting outside for some fresh air each day reduces my overall stress level. 

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Q&A with Jeff Clarke: His Wellness Journey

wellness journey

Although summer has come to an end, I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful, hot months with friends and family!

We had lots of beach time and lots of quality family time, but now we are ready for the school year to start (as I’m sure many of you are too).

Throughout the summer, people have been asking me and my husband how he is losing weight, and what exactly he is doing. He really does look so great, and I could not be prouder of him. That was the main reason for this blog post—to share his success, and to share what is working for him.

I hope this helps others on their own journey. Cheers!

xoxo NBC

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The Power of Probiotics: It’s all about the GUT!


When I first took my daughter in to see her pediatrician regarding her chronic stomach issues, his very first question was: “Does Blaine take a daily probiotic?” When I told him no, he told me she needs to be, and actually, I should be taking one too. His advice was everyone should be. Interesting, right?

It made sense to me because I had recently heard health plus wellness genius, Dr. Frank Lipman, tell a packed crowd that our health all depends on our gut. “80 percent of your entire immune system is located in your digestive tract! So why should we care about probiotics?

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An Avocado a Day Keeps the Doctor Away


We all know that keeping fit and eating healthy in your 40s and beyond is harder than when we were in our 20s and maybe even 30s. Sometimes, it’s not until we reach our 40s that we start to realize the importance of health, especially in terms of the foods that go into our bodies and get absorbed into our systems. We become even more conscious than before, because let’s face it—we have family plus kids we want to be there for, for as long as possible.

You know that saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Well the same can be applied to avocados! My favorite superfood is the avocado, which is full of nutrients and health benefits for any age.

I recently learned from health and wellness genius, Dr. Frank Lipman, that we should all eat one avocado every day. I am hooked! If you’re looking for a food loaded with good fats, will keep you feeling fuller longer, and want something solid to help with weight-loss, I highly recommend avocados, and here’s why.

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