Why You Need to Get a Weighted Vest

Weighted vest for men and women

And here is the best weighted vest to get 

It’s being called the hottest fitness trend of 2024. Time to step up your walking game and add a twist to your routine with a weighted vest!

As a mother deeply committed to health and wellness, I can’t help but tell everyone how much I love my daily walks with my weighted vest. We recently talked all about this trend on my Podcast with the #1 Menopause Doctor in the country, Dr. Mary Claire Haver. Dr. Haver loves walking with her weighted vest too, and she even recommends wearing it around the house when you’re doing your daily household chores! Fun fact: this was the first Podcast I have ever recorded while wearing a weighted vest!

best weighted vest for exercise

There are so many benefits to wearing the vest. Most importantly, walking with a weighted vest adds a new dimension to my workouts, helping me challenge my body in new ways. It has noticeably improved my muscle strength and endurance, which is so important as we age. Hello, I am 51 now! Additionally, the added resistance helps me burn more calories and maintain a healthy weight.

Walking with a weighted vest is excellent for bone health, a crucial consideration for women over age 40. The extra weight helps strengthen bones, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. FYI I went with 10% of my ideal body weight so I am currently using this 12 lb. vest.

Don’t just take my word for it! I asked 3 trusted girlfriends to “weigh” in on why they are loving their weighted vests, too.

Here are their testimonials:

I love my weighted vest. It has helped me with my core strength and my posture. I have really noticed such a difference!

– Kristine

I started wearing a weighted vest while walking this past year as I was recovering from a hysterectomy. The added resistance helped me to increase my heart rate and strength while increasing my endurance. Bone density and muscle tissue naturally decline with age and this is a simple way to kick start your workout.

– Sarah

I didn’t have time for my long walking loop today but I threw on my weighted vest for a quick stroll in the immediate neighborhood. I could feel my legs working before I even left my house! What a game changer!

– Teresa

Thank you to my friends for sharing. My husband Jeff has also gotten on board with his own weighted vest.

He got a heavier vest than mine. Here is the one he is loving!

Of course, it is important to approach this exercise with caution, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise.

Walking with a weighted vest has been a game-changer for me, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to enhance their fitness routine.

Here’s to getting stronger together!

xoxo NBC