Feel Good 2020

feel good 2020

Happy New Year! Can you believe it? It is not only a new year but ALSO a brand new decade. I am so excited for all that’s ahead in 2020 and I hope you guys are too. After a great, relaxing, and super fun break over the holidays, I am back to it!

We recently kicked off our “Feel Good 2020” series on Instagram and hopefully, you are following along with @ninabclarke and @kgcaliglow. For this month, we are sharing simple (remember they have to be simple since I struggle with overwhelming) tips for all of us to feel good as we kick-off 2020. Throughout the month of January, we will be sharing more ideas, and we’d love to hear your tips too. Here are my top four best SIMPLE tips so far for January, with more to come.

Water Goals

water bottle

One gallon of water each day is a tall order but I am going for it, and it is making me feel so much better. The first day you do this, you go to the bathroom a lot but it gets easier. This awesome water jug from Amazon helps to keep me on track throughout the day! Chug a lug!

Move Your Body

Clarke family dolphins

I talk about this one all the time, but there is no better time to really focus on it than right now in 2020. Moving your body every day in some way is so helpful. Going for a walk counts too! Have fun with this one and get some fresh air. Start with 20 minutes of exercise each day, and go from there.

More Sleep

This simple tip is making me feel so much better. 8 hours in now my sleep goal each night. I have been turning off my phone at a certain time, reading a book for a few minutes with no phone to distract me, making me tired so that I can easily go to sleep. 8 hours of sleep is so important as we get older.  Sleep is a very good thing to feel good in 2020! ZzZzZz

Find Joy

This year, I really want to focus on the things that bring me joy. I am making the decision to find joy every single day. I want to do more things that bring me joy, and I want to spend time with more people who bring me joy. Whether it is in my work or in my personal life, finding JOY is on my radar for 2020 because it feels good.


I hope these simple tips help you. In case you missed it, here is my first podcast episode of “Nina’s Got Good News” of 2020 as we kick off the new year. Please share your feel-good tips and ideas with me too as I love to hear what others are doing to start the year off in a positive way. Thank you all for being on this journey with me. 

Let’s all feel good in 2020 together! 

xoxo NBC 

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