My Favorite Age is Now

Nina Clarke feeling my age

My big birthday is coming up. I am welcoming this milestone with open arms. Turning 50 actually feels less challenging than turning 40 did for me. Maybe that is because I had two babies at the time and I was really tired and overwhelmed. Or, maybe it is because I am more comfortable and happy with who I am now. Older and wiser and more confident perhaps? 

Nina Clarke best age

This big birthday has got me thinking. This is a reminder to myself as well as all of us about aging. Every wrinkle, every grey hair, every stretch mark. They are a badge of honor. Embrace them, and be proud of them. We have earned them. And we have earned them well. Maybe my skin or my muscle won’t bounce back the way they used to, but that is OKAY. We need to give ourselves grace around aging. I am grateful for my good health (knock on wood). I am grateful for the foundation I have built. I have always been active which started when I was a young girl playing sports. I have tried hard to eat as clean as possible for a long time. I am focusing more on my overall wellness routine these days. Thank goodness I have found a clean beauty skincare routine that I love and that I know works for me. And luckily, I have finally discovered how important it is to be careful with the sun. Aging is about learning to fully embrace who you really are. I am here for it! Here’s to this new chapter! 

Love you all,

xoxo NBC

Nina Clarke beach