5 Tips for Keeping Things in Balance

Keeping Things in Balance

These days, work-life balance can seem like an impossible feat. Technology makes all of us who work, accessible around the clock. Basically, some days can feel like we have a never-ending workday. And if you don’t get this under control, you will be overwhelmed, and it can hurt your relationships, your health, and your overall happiness. So, let’s dive into five tips for keeping things in balance (in no particular order). These are things I have figured out—or maybe haven’t figured out yet because let’s be honest, I certainly don’t have all the answers! Can you say, “HOT MESS”?!

1.) Not being perfect.
One thing I try to do is to NOT BE PERFECT, and be OKAY with that. This is important because we have to give ourselves a break. We are all hard on ourselves, and I think as a mom we have big expectations. I keep reminding myself that if I do my best every day, then that is enough. Perfection is boring anyway, right? 🙂

2.) Unplugging.
Here are some practical ideas for unplugging: go for a hike, go outside, or go for a walk. You can unplug when you are in Mother Nature’s company. Or, go to church or temple—that’s also an easy place to unplug. It’s always a good thing to unplug during meal time too!

3.) Exercise.
This is huge for me—to move my body every single day in some way. I consider this my therapy! Sweat is a magical thing that should be done every day. It clears your head, gives you new perspectives, and helps you maintain your balance.

4.) Meditation.
I haven’t done this yet, but #GOALS are good. Meditation is a big one, and so many of my friends swear by this. I plan to make it part of my routine this month, and I will report back on my progress. I know there are so many great apps too, such as Head Space and Unplug Meditation, perfect for those who do not have access to a meditation studio in the area.

5.) Avoid comparisons to others.
This one is important. Do not compare yourself to other people’s journeys. Be who you are and love who you are. Don’t compare yourself to others around you. Something you are really good at could be something that I am really bad at it. So we need to be sure we are not comparing because that is never a positive thing, and that is never healthy. Let’s lift others up instead!

I am learning and growing to be the best mom, wife, co-worker, friend, daughter, sister, blogger, podcast host, and team leader that I can be! Remember, whenever you say yes to something, say no to something else. Choose your yes’s carefully! You can’t do it all and that’s ok.

The struggle is real when it comes to having perfect balance, that is why I am always open to new tips and ideas, and I would love to hear from you too.

xoxo NBC