Why You Need to Get a Weighted Vest

Weighted vest for men and women

And here is the best weighted vest to get 

It’s being called the hottest fitness trend of 2024. Time to step up your walking game and add a twist to your routine with a weighted vest!

As a mother deeply committed to health and wellness, I can’t help but tell everyone how much I love my daily walks with my weighted vest. We recently talked all about this trend on my Podcast with the #1 Menopause Doctor in the country, Dr. Mary Claire Haver. Dr. Haver loves walking with her weighted vest too, and she even recommends wearing it around the house when you’re doing your daily household chores! Fun fact: this was the first Podcast I have ever recorded while wearing a weighted vest!

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Celebrating Gratitude in November

november gratitude

November is a month filled with warmth and reflection. As the leaves fall and the days grow shorter, it’s a time to embrace gratitude. Adjusting to daylight saving time has proven to be a challenge for us, but we are starting to get back on track. I love this quote that someone shared with me recently:

“November is the month to remind us to be thankful for the many positive things happening in our life.”

This sentiment holds a special place in our hearts, especially for those who call November their birthday month. Hello, that’s me! I just turned 51, and I am fully embracing my new age of 51.

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The Joy of Pickleball


The Sport That’s Taking the World by Storm

Pickleball, the fastest-growing sport in the world, recently caught my attention. How could it not? Everyone is talking about Pickleball these days so I decided to give it a try. 

From day one, I knew I liked the fast-paced nature of pickleball. The sport’s unique blend of tennis, badminton, and ping pong offers an exciting and engaging experience that keeps players hooked from the start. Playing pickleball not only provides a great workout but also offers opportunities to learn something new and make new friends.

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Walk This Way

10k steps per day goal

My husband decided for Lent that he was going to walk 10K steps per day. 

I decided over our recent vacation to Florida that I would join him in this mission. I have been making a big effort with strength training since I turned 50 and I am loving that so much. Now I’m adding the daily walks in as well for more movement. This isn’t a weight loss thing for me, it’s more about my mental health as well as a mood booster. Getting outside for some fresh air each day reduces my overall stress level. 

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I Am Loving My New Invisalign Smile

Invisalign journey review

Are you considering Invisalign in 2023? Do you know someone who is considering it? Or, maybe you just started your Invisalign journey. I am sharing all my tips and tricks here.

I had my Invisalign trays for six months in total. As I shared with you all when I started my Invisalign journey, I have never had braces before, so I was not really sure what I was getting myself into.

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Season of Kindness

season of kindness

The holiday season is not always happy for everyone. No matter how you feel right now, the truth is that this time of year is often filled with emotions for everyone. If this month has been hard for you, I am with you. 

Our mom recently became critically ill in the hospital in Naples, Florida, and required a lot of intense care very quickly. 

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Fall Checklist

Fall checklist 2022

Hello, fall 2022! As we embrace a new season ahead, we say goodbye to summer.  

I have actually been feeling anxious about this fall as we have a jam-packed schedule. Bring on the hockey season! It is also sinking in that this is Charlie’s last year with us at home. Cue the mom tears! I am having all the feelings as we close out September. Blaine is turning 12 this week, leaving me wondering where did my baby girl go?! And speaking of birthdays, I have a very big one approaching that I am preparing for. More on that milestone soon! #Almost50

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Health Is Wealth in 2022

Health Is Wealth in 2022

Happy New Year!

If the past 22 months have taught us anything, it’s that HEALTH is really our top priority. So here we are at the start of 2022, and we find ourselves once again trying to stay healthy. Like so many of you, Covid has hit our house recently. So I thought it would be the right time to share some of our favorite ways to build up our immune systems in the winter months when the sick season hits here in Connecticut. 

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